Auto Report Schedule


InfiniTime allows a schedule to be configured in order to run reports automatically. Reports are automatically emailed or printed depending on the configuration.  Settings must be saved for a report before it can be configured to run automatically.


Note: The InfiniTimeHouseKeeping service must be running in order for reports to print automatically.


Insert – Click insert to open up the Auto Report Schedule Update Form and set a schedule.


Change – Click change to make any adjustments to a previously configured schedule.


Delete – Click delete to remove the highlighted Report Schedule.




Description – Describes the Report Schedule you are creating.  This name will appear in the Report Library Update Form.  This is how you will be able to distinguish between other Auto Report Schedules you may create.


Printer - Infinitime uses printer drivers to prepare reports for proper display on your computer. Select a printer that is installed and attached to your machine. Do not select an image printer. The warning below will be displayed when saving the Auto Report Schedule. Reports without a valid printer may not print or display properly.



Frequency – This is how often the program will run the auto report schedule feature.  The options are: Once, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly.


Do Not Print - The Do Not Print check box is only displayed when a report is configured to be sent to a remote party via email or FTP. Reports will be printed according to the automatic report schedule by default. This box should be checked if you wish to email or send a report via FTP without printing the report.


Date to Print – This is the date that you want the system to print the current set up on.


Time to Print – This is the time that you want the system to print the current set up on the date selected above.


Day of Week to Print – Select the day of week you wish for the system to print the structure on.


Date Last Printed – Tells you the last date the system automatically printed the structure.


Time Last Printed – Tells you the last time on the date above the system automatically printed the structure.


Date to Print Next – The date entered here will be the next future date that the system will automatically print a saved structure.


Auto Report Requirements

InfiniTime can be configured to automatically email or print reports, payroll exports, and exports with saved criteria. A list of requirements and items that are known to interfere with the intended processing of auto reports can be found below. Each requirement must be met for auto reports to function as intended.


 It should also be noted that saved report settings configured with an email address will only be emailed according to the settings on the auto report schedule and email tabs. They will not be printed automatically. A single saved report setting cannot be used to automatically email and print a report. Seperate saved settings must be configured. Your network administrator may need to assist you with configuring the following items.


To automatically email a report the following criteria must be observed:



To automatically print a report the following criteria must be observed: