Employee Profiles

Displays all employee information as entered into the Employee Table. A separate sheet is generated for each employee.


Report Example:





This report gathers and displays all employee related HR information in one location.





Default Value


Allow Graphics On the Report?


This option allows you to choose if you want to print the InfiniTime 7.0 logo on the report.

Group by Department?


This option will group employees specified by the Employee Filter according to their Default Department.

Page Break by Department?


This option will allow you page break the report based on the Employee's Default Department, making it easier to give the report to department heads for review if needed.

Page Break by Employee?


This option will allow you to page break the report based on each employee, making it easier to give the report to the individual employees for review.

Print Inactive Employees?


This option will allow you to print information of the inactive employees along with the active ones.

Show Employee Picture?


This option allows you to print the employee picture on the report.

Sort by Employee Name?


This option allows you to sort the report by the last name of the employees if set to yes or by the employee number if set to no.



Report List